maanantai 29. joulukuuta 2014

Päivityksiä 4

Ooh, olen niin innoissani! Keksin syksyllä, kuinka saan pelini taas toimimaan ja silti toteutettua kaikki teemamaailmat ja aloin vihdoin todella toteuttaa tätä urakkaa. Suurten ongelmien ja monen nettioppitunnin jälkeen olen vihdoin saanut sekä grafiikat laadukkaiksi että pohjatyön melkein tehtyä. Valitettavasti peli on edelleen yhtä hidas kuin se oli LC Jalavalaaksoa aloitettaessa, ellei jopa hitaampi. Toivon saavani sen vielä korjatuksi, ainakin grafiikan tasoa taas laskemalla. Joulukuva ei liity tähän postaukseen mitenkään, muuten kuin että sitä fiilistelin joulun alla ja totesin kuvanlaadun olevan todella heikko.

Ideani sain cianen opettaessa minulle, kuinka Launcher uudelleenkoulututetaan toimimaan luomalla uusi pelikansio. Ideana oli luoda usea pelikansio eri ladattavilla ja pyörittää aina yhtä teemapeliä kerrallaan ja se toimikin loistavasti siihen asti, että lisäsin uuteen pelikansioon modeja. Silloin CC Magic suuttui ja tunki koko kansionsa ladattuja peliin mukaan pyytämättä. Loin CC Magicille uudet tyhjät kansiot ja joudun pelikansioiden lisäksi pyörittämään nyt myös niitä (tai kone joutuu), mutta aion viedä kokeilun loppuun. Toivottavasti kone vain kestää.

Pelikansioita tulee yhteensä viisi. Ensimmäinen on "No CC" eli peli ilman ladattuja kilpailuja ja erilaisia kokeiluja varten. Jottei minun tarvitsisi ladata Storesta tavaroita uudestaan, kopioin No CC:n ja lisäsin sinne modeja: Master Controllerin (vihdoin!), OMPS:n ja OMPS Resizerin, slidereita, Pose Playerin ja NoIntron (Jos et tiedä, mitä ne ovat, älä välitä, googlaa tai odota, että kerron myöhemmin), Exchangesta muutaman patternin, defaultihon, silmiä ja hieman hiuksia. Tästä kansiosta tuli "Perus", joka toimii pohjana kaikille myöhemmille kansioille, joita ovat "Jalavalaakso Equestrian", "Steampunk", "Keskiaika/fantasia" ja "Apocalypse", joihin tulee nimien mukaisesti CC maailmoja ja muuta ladattavia. Näistä myöhemmin ehkä lisää.

Tekeillä on myös suuri listaus CC huippuja, joita olen syksyn aikana kerännyt itselleni ylös, jotta löydän jälleen kaiken tarvitsemani, kun alan koota teemakansioita. Selitän siinä myös edellisen kappaleen mystiset kirjainyhdistelmät. Toivottakaa onnea, että tämä onnistuu!

 Jos en ole aiemmin kertonut, en sijoittunut Fabulous Foundations -kisassa, mutta Walkingstick halusi antaa palkintonsa, 300 SimPointsia minulle ja ciane jakoi palkintonsa kanssani. Kiitokset heille, sain mukavan setin koriste-esineitä :)

sunnuntai 2. marraskuuta 2014

Anmirlan Halloween-kilpailu

Osallistuin ennen Halloweenia Anmirlan Halloween Contest -kuvakilpailuun, jossa Anmirla halusi tulla haudatuksi kauhu-, gootti- ja steampunk-teemaisilla kuvilla. Tässä kauhukuvat ja Steampunk-kuvakokoelma, joilla voitin kilpailun. Anmirla palkitsi minut ystävällisesti Vanhan myllyn brunssi-setillä, josta pidän kovasti.

Lisää kuvia löytyy Galleriasta

maanantai 27. lokakuuta 2014

Elm Valley Lane 6 and The Chic Family

Once the idea of the house began to take shape, I came up with Victoria and her daughter, maybe even two, living in it. I desinged the house by that base and it helped a lot when having a blank moment. I ment to decorated the house as detailed as possible and create a shabby chic style there. Oh how difficult it was to skip all the lovely CC that would have fitted there so well... I did only Victoria, because I remembered a single, handsome man I made to my neighbourhood, Antero. He lived with he's parents and two sisters. Their family name is... Um, well it is a little weird. It came from the randomizer and surely is not a real family name. Victoria moved in and out with Antero to a little cottage, where their first child was born (and the other one too, and he wasn't a girl because I forgot to feed Victoria the last watermelon, but thats not a part of the story). Victoria got abducted by an alien called Sunnup Ayhod, so I kidnapped her to the family. Meanwhile I was searching for Narnia themed CC and came up with a thing, and added a witch to the family as well... Oh and a unicorn too...

Elm Valley Lane 6 was built in 1879 after Victorian style reached Elm Valley. It was a cozy little home for an elderly couple, that their children and granchildren inherited. It was renovated in the 50' and again after interior designer Victoria Chic, her fiance doctor Antero Keski-Kohtamä bought it and moved in with their new born daughter Sanna. Victoria wanted a bright and light home with a warm atmosphere. After the renovation was complete and their second child was born, they got married in the front yard.

 Sannas bedroom. It's a little messy

Sunnup playin the piano

 Sanna as a toddler with her beloved doll.

Recepies are in good order in the bookcase

Antero is very enthusiastic over wines. He has a nice collection.

A little library with fireplace for a book loving family

The attic is very scary place with stuff from over a century

Who knows what secrets it holds...

Sanna and her, umh, best friend
Victoria loves reading about gardens and history

A place out of sight for planting and chopping firewood

Building Elm Valley Lane 6

Game crashes 7 or 8
21 days
Around 15 hours doing research
40+ hours building the house
30+ hours playing to get things upgrated and to add special items

Completely insane.

This building was full of problems. I couldn't start building in the beginning, because my Launcher didn't work and I couldn't download the base.. Luckily lovely ciane helped me by counting the lenghts of the building so that I could build it myself. After that it all went well, I dumped the lot somewehere to build, flattened the ground and started building. For some reason, at some point I wanted to move the lot to the place where I wanted to take the pictures. Saved it and packed it, just if something goes wrong...

 ... And this is what happened. The original lot was flattened to the highest point of the lot, and when moved to other spot, it became a hill with very pointy corners. I flattened the lot again. The ground obeyed, but roofs and windows etc. did not follow. Then I tried to undone the harm, but as you see, it wasn't possible. I deleted the lot and put it back again and started a huge work trying to make the ground soft, useable and nice looking. Eventually, I'm quite happy with this accident.

I tried to add columns to the cornes of the house to make it look more fancy, but the work was awfull and the results weren't what I wanted.


Those flower bushes don't have any trunks! I tried hiding the lack of them behind fencing, but I didn't like it. Then I found a flower vase that fits to looks like the roses has roots ;)

I had wild horses greeting me once when I got back to building.

The Victorian doors had an odd grey line in it that I couldn't fix.

 Mysteriously floating tent bags on the second floor ceiling.
 Roofs that moved up and down by them selves.

Bees indoors.

Inaccesable garden. I had to take down my nice little fences!

Stupid bugs.
Invisible doors. Luckily they seem okay walls up and are useable.

These are only the problems I had pictures of. I hated choosing curtains because the range was too limited. In CAS the colour code taken from something was completely different in some other furniture. Ah, I'm so glad it's done, even with it's faults! :)